Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It Feels Like Christmas
Wait, it's Christmas coming.
Mark Teixeira 是今年冬天 Yankees 幾個 FA signing 裡面最晚的,但是是最有價值也是最重要的。我們知道 Yankees 需要先發投手,所以雖然我並不是 C.C. Sabathia 的球迷,但是我絕對認為 Yankees 做出了正確的決定,同時很幸運的 C.C. 也願意來 New York。
Teixeira 則是從任何角度來看都是正確的。從球迷的立場來看,我們當然不希望球隊花太多的錢,這樣會讓他們缺乏足夠的資源簽更多好球員。但是任何球員都有他們的市場價值,而 Yankees 通常必須花 premium 而非 discount 去得到這些好球員。
Teixeira 是個除了跑壘以外沒有什麼缺點的棒球員。他的上壘率高,尤其是最近兩年表現非常好。長打率也相當好,雖然全壘打數只有一年破 40 支,不過看了他的生涯及最近兩年的 SLG 後,應該沒有什麼好挑剔的。除了這些之外,他的防守也非常好。若非最近兩年他連續兩球季都分別有各半時間在不同聯盟,他很可能手上已經有四個而非只有兩個金手套。是的,金手套不算什麼東西,他們也常常給錯人,但是 Teixeira 的防守真的不錯。王建民明年應該會感受到 Teixeira 和 Giambi 在防守上面的差別的。
更重要的一點是 Teixeira 今年 28 歲,他的合約前半都應該是他的巔峰時期。Teixeira 的傷病史和他的位置也使得他成為比 Sabathia 風險更小的投資。如果他在合約後半衰退速度合理的話,這是個非常好的合約。
老實說,我本來沒有料到 Yankees 還願意出這筆錢。Carlos Beltran 現在穿著 Mets 的條紋制服而不是 Yankees 的就是因為類似的原因。我們也知道當年這個錯誤有多嚴重 (Carl Pavano + Jaret Wright, urgh!)。A.J. Burnett 雖然無論如何不是 Carl Pavano,不過稍早我以為他會造成類似的影響。也許一個新球場給 front office 帶來一些不應該存在的信心和安全感,但也有可能這些安全感是正確的。今天看到一個說法是 Hal Steinbrenner 和 Brian Cashman 今年願意花這麼多錢的原因是明年的 FA 市場無法提供 Yankees 所需,所以他們在有財務彈性的情況下早一年把這些錢砸出去,就算今年多花點錢也沒關係。我自己的購物哲學是如果一定要花錢,寧願多花點錢買好的、耐用的,也不要為了省點錢買次級品,然後稍後後悔或是看著東西不耐用早早壞掉。在這個邏輯之下,Yankees 今年冬天這樣做是對的。花不起的球團,如 A's 這樣的球隊,他們有他們斤斤計較以提升自己競爭力的方法,我們在 Moneyball 裡面看到了。Yankees 這種有錢的球隊,也有他們的玩法。棒球有趣的地方在於不是只有 Yankees 這種球隊可以贏,A's 這樣的球隊也行。特別是花大錢不表示花對錢,2008 Yankees 就連季後賽也進不去。一次簽這麼多人的好處還有既然已經要失去前面的選秀順序,乾脆就丟光光算了。Yankees 還有去年的一個第一輪補償選秀權不會被拿走,剩下來既然要丟掉就乾脆算了。明年 Yankees 很難有一個好選秀,只有祈禱他們在剩下有限的好順位裡運氣好了。
其他球隊會抱怨不公平。不公平?當然不公平!人生什麼時候是公平的了。我認為這是個好合約,不過作為 Yankees 球迷實在也不用去別的地方炫耀,這個合約是靠 Yankees 得天獨厚的條件簽下來的。
現在的情況剩下:1. 到底還要不要簽回來 Andy Pettitte? 2. 外野那麼多人會不會有問題?
Pettitte 回來與否現在不是那麼重要的問題。就算 Joba Chamberlain 和 Phil Hughes 兩個只算一個人,他們需要的也只是第五號先發以及在 A.J. Burnett 或王建民上 DL 時可以上來擋一陣子的人。有 Pettitte 當然比較保險,沒有其實也不是那麼大的問題。重點在於 Pettitte 願不願意減薪,以及 Yankees 還有沒有足夠的錢付給他。
外野現在有 Matsui, Damon, Swisher, Nady, Cabrera 五個人吃三個外野位置加上 DH。很遺憾的,Swisher 和 Nady 兩個人的生涯 platoon 優勢都是在於面對左投,不過左右開弓的 Swisher 兩種情況下 OPS 相差有限。再加上雖然有 DH 這個位置可以用,Matsui 和 Damon 也很難兩個人都全季出賽 150 場以上,所以就算他們不將任何一個人交易出去,明年也可以靠大量的 platoon 來解決外野的問題。最大的缺點在沒有一個真正夠好的中外野手,不過一來 Mike Cameron 不見得真的有幫助,再者那個交易也談不成。在 Tex 簽下這麼大的約之後,要想讓 Yankees 吃下 Cameron 部份合約就更難了。明年的 Yankees 在捕手這邊還是有隱憂,不知道 Posada 能夠恢復多少;同時在中外野手這裡打擊和防守仍然稍弱。不過整體來看,這隻球隊很可能靠這幾個 FA signing 大幅縮短了他們跟 Rays 及 Red Sox 的距離。
1. 春訓都還沒有開始,我不會那麼快宣稱 Yankees 已經追過了 Red Sox 和 Rays。Yankees 現在成為 AL East 甚或整個 AL 的 "team to beat" 的確是主流想法,而且這些『主流』甚至還包括了 Rob Neyer 這個主流媒體的不怎麼主流的作家。不過我仍然對於 A.J. Burnett 有疑慮,同時也擔心 2008 球季 C.C. Sabathia 的投球負荷對他 2009 的表現是否有影響。這三個 FA signing 只有 Teixeira 讓我比較安心,有太多事情可能發生在投手身上了。
2. 剛剛看了 Joe Sheehan 12/24 的 Prospectus Today,他認為 Yankees 大約剛好趕上 Red Sox。Red Sox 本來洞就少的多,所以他們並不需要做太多事情。雖然他們也想要 Teixeira,不過 Mike Lowell 3B,Kevin Youkilis 1B 的組合跟 Youkilis 3B,Mark Teixeira 1B 相比之下提升有限,在火力上有提升,但是防守上面沒有。跟 Yankees 從 Swisher 變成 Teixeira 這樣的提升不能比。同時 Yankees 用 Sabathia + Burnett 取代 Mussina + Pettitte,長期一點來看當然是提升,Moose 根本退休了,而 Pettitte 還能投多久,能不能維持在平均水準以上也是個問號。不過就以他們去年的貢獻來看 (404.1 IP, 3.96 ERA),這一部份能夠提升多少還有很大的不確定性。對於 Rays 的看法我比 Sheehan 樂觀一點,他們在球季末的時候還顯示出一些進步的可能,所以他們 2009 跟 2008 相比雖然有些人會退步,但也可能有些地方會提升。對於一隻進步速度超過我的預期的球隊,我還是對他們樂觀一點好了。
我們在明年的選秀會上會缺少的是第三輪的選秀;去年除了第一輪的Garrit Cole之外
第二輪的Scott Bittle也因為手肘磨損的狀況而沒簽下;今年的選秀會是一個失敗;但明年是否會有一個好選秀那就不是現在預測的到的
第二輪的Scott Bittle也因為手肘磨損的狀況而沒簽下;今年的選秀會是一個失敗;但明年是否會有一個好選秀那就不是現在預測的到的
我對於簽下Mark Teixeira也是很訝異,沒想到洋基完全在這次FA市場上幹掉了red sox.我認為不單單是縮短,更甚至於表明了洋基想要在新球場的第一年拿下東區甚至於WCSC.
當然,我們必須保證CC跟A.J保持健康!至於老派回不回來,只是讓牛棚輕鬆一些罷了!Swisher 和 Nady 我認為Swisher應該會在季中被交易,除非他表現出乎意料之好!當然,明年的美東區依舊是爆炸性火藥庫!但這也是球迷想要看到的不是嗎?
當然,我們必須保證CC跟A.J保持健康!至於老派回不回來,只是讓牛棚輕鬆一些罷了!Swisher 和 Nady 我認為Swisher應該會在季中被交易,除非他表現出乎意料之好!當然,明年的美東區依舊是爆炸性火藥庫!但這也是球迷想要看到的不是嗎?
Mark Teixeira會被洋基簽下,完全是在預料之中的事,在這個經濟不景氣的年代,也只有洋基能付得出這樣的合約,況且,因為明年洋基新球場開張,洋基有能力也必須簽下一些明星球員,而洋基完全不考慮跟Giambi,Abreu薪資仲裁,Mussina退休,跟Pettitte殺價,Pavano終於不見,也就是為了清出薪資空間來買下Sabathia和Teixeira,即便已簽下Burnett,還是有些餘力,Pettitte想必可以以較低價錢簽下,在洋基新球場投球,對Pettitte來講還是有一定的誘惑力,大膽一點假設,Manny Ramirez明年極有可能也是穿條紋衫,話題性十足,以上述狀況看,洋基也負擔得起,我想老闆負擔不起的是每年都打進季後賽的紀錄破功吧....
lol, Yeah's comment is a classic example of hindsight 20-20. Manny Ramirez is DEFINITELY not going to play for Yankees. Manny is the modern day Reggie Jackson with tons more ignorance and pretentiousness. Plus, Yankees' clubhouse is already filled with A-Rod's ego and pretentiousness, in which I doubt there would be room for Manny.
One more thing
two of the big losers in the Teixeira deal are the Jays and the Brewers
Now the Brewers will only get a second round pick for losing CC. Jays will only get a third round pick for losing Burnett.
As for manny,...hmmmm...maybe the mets? but personally, given his age, i dont think NL is a good fit for him....
two of the big losers in the Teixeira deal are the Jays and the Brewers
Now the Brewers will only get a second round pick for losing CC. Jays will only get a third round pick for losing Burnett.
As for manny,...hmmmm...maybe the mets? but personally, given his age, i dont think NL is a good fit for him....
"他們需要的也只是第五號先發以及在 A.J. Burnett 或王建民上 DL 時可以上來擋一陣子的人"
況且洋基是一支以拿下世界大賽冠軍為目標的球隊。Andy Pettitte,一個能穩定吃長局數,
況且洋基是一支以拿下世界大賽冠軍為目標的球隊。Andy Pettitte,一個能穩定吃長局數,
Is it possible C.C. would have been another Barry Zito? Could A.J. have been another Pavano?
I am very doubtful....
Tex is the most important guy for Yanks.
I am very doubtful....
Tex is the most important guy for Yanks.
Yankee fans have doubts about FA pitcher signings because those bad tastes in their mouths, and rightfully so.
That being said, these two new signings are not recurrence of Zitos or Pavanos. We've seen Barry Zito declining a few years in a row before the Giants signed him. You can hear a lot of statheads shouting no to Sabean, but in vain.
Sabathia has been overused, or even abused, exploited, in the past two seasons. He threw 494 innings in the regular season only, not to mention another 19 innings in the playoff along with those spring training innings on his shoulder. He's a big strong dude, but those 500+ innings in two years might count for something, we'll see. Nonetheless, Sabathia has his fair share of risks as a pitcher, but he does not show any sign of decline yet.
A.J. Burnett has injury issues, no one can deny that. This is the reason I don't like this signing. However, no one in the history of baseball can ever match Pavano's work ethic, or the lack thereof. Besides that, Pavano has never shown any sign of greatness in his career. Even his career year before that FA signing was not that impressive. Burnett is certainly better than that. It's debatable that the Yankees should never offer that huge a contract to Burnett, but we should not compare him to Pavano.
Odd thing can happen in baseball with the probability no one envisions. It could turned out that the Burnett signing is the best among three. However, if we want to pick one signing with the lowest risks ex ante, there's no doubt it's Teixeira.
That being said, these two new signings are not recurrence of Zitos or Pavanos. We've seen Barry Zito declining a few years in a row before the Giants signed him. You can hear a lot of statheads shouting no to Sabean, but in vain.
Sabathia has been overused, or even abused, exploited, in the past two seasons. He threw 494 innings in the regular season only, not to mention another 19 innings in the playoff along with those spring training innings on his shoulder. He's a big strong dude, but those 500+ innings in two years might count for something, we'll see. Nonetheless, Sabathia has his fair share of risks as a pitcher, but he does not show any sign of decline yet.
A.J. Burnett has injury issues, no one can deny that. This is the reason I don't like this signing. However, no one in the history of baseball can ever match Pavano's work ethic, or the lack thereof. Besides that, Pavano has never shown any sign of greatness in his career. Even his career year before that FA signing was not that impressive. Burnett is certainly better than that. It's debatable that the Yankees should never offer that huge a contract to Burnett, but we should not compare him to Pavano.
Odd thing can happen in baseball with the probability no one envisions. It could turned out that the Burnett signing is the best among three. However, if we want to pick one signing with the lowest risks ex ante, there's no doubt it's Teixeira.
Tampa 的發展方會滿有趣的。
但我認為光看他們去年的結果來看,他們今年退步的機會很大,除非他們簽下Dunn / Burrell / Abreu / Manny / Bradely / Giambi 其中之一來DH. 最大的理由是他們的健康,去年他們的先發五人平均先發了 31 場.. yeah, 他們五個人幾乎都全勤!!! 這種狀況可遇不可求(see 05 White Sox) 雖然他們年輕對健康是比較好但是Kazmir and Garza 並不是你會很放心的健康寶寶。
他們去年打擊普普,雖然Longoria / Upton / Pena 很猛,但Crawford 的bad year 跟其他地方不是普普就是頗差的情況下讓他們的得分能力非常的普通,靠的是投手太殺了,後者合理預估即使考慮到David Price 的實力大概也會退步。 那前者能不能進步呢? Crawford 去年大概是fluke bad year, Longoria / Upton maybe Navarro 還有進步的空間,但其他地方? Bartlett 能不退步就謝天謝地了, SS/C/2B / RF / DH 都可能是個洞的情況下整體得分能力進步的可能性.... 如果多個大砲DH至少機會好不少...
Boston 主要要看捕手的結果如何吧. another very bad Varitek year 或是類似的suck 的話他們的機會就降低了不少,如果Varitek rebound 或是他們變出了個堪用的捕手的話那他們進季後賽的機會還是很大。
我也同意除非洋基真的覺得很缺錢否則外野還是別亂動的好,現在這群也大概換不到啥東西,而Damon /Nady / Matsui type A or B 的機會不小。
但我認為光看他們去年的結果來看,他們今年退步的機會很大,除非他們簽下Dunn / Burrell / Abreu / Manny / Bradely / Giambi 其中之一來DH. 最大的理由是他們的健康,去年他們的先發五人平均先發了 31 場.. yeah, 他們五個人幾乎都全勤!!! 這種狀況可遇不可求(see 05 White Sox) 雖然他們年輕對健康是比較好但是Kazmir and Garza 並不是你會很放心的健康寶寶。
他們去年打擊普普,雖然Longoria / Upton / Pena 很猛,但Crawford 的bad year 跟其他地方不是普普就是頗差的情況下讓他們的得分能力非常的普通,靠的是投手太殺了,後者合理預估即使考慮到David Price 的實力大概也會退步。 那前者能不能進步呢? Crawford 去年大概是fluke bad year, Longoria / Upton maybe Navarro 還有進步的空間,但其他地方? Bartlett 能不退步就謝天謝地了, SS/C/2B / RF / DH 都可能是個洞的情況下整體得分能力進步的可能性.... 如果多個大砲DH至少機會好不少...
Boston 主要要看捕手的結果如何吧. another very bad Varitek year 或是類似的suck 的話他們的機會就降低了不少,如果Varitek rebound 或是他們變出了個堪用的捕手的話那他們進季後賽的機會還是很大。
我也同意除非洋基真的覺得很缺錢否則外野還是別亂動的好,現在這群也大概換不到啥東西,而Damon /Nady / Matsui type A or B 的機會不小。
我同意RollingWave大說的,要5-man rotation完全健康是可遇不可求的奢望,但明年Rays的rotation中Jackson將升級成Price,有人受傷時補上來的將會是Jeff Niemann or Wade Davis,感覺就不會差得那麼多了!當然,我很清楚當命運要掌握在剛上來的小朋友身上時,本身就是充滿著不確定性和風險,但他們農場SP prospects的深度使得他們的風險要比想像中來得小。
Yankees could really
piss off haters even more if they are going to sign Brian Fuentes with 3-year @ $15-18mil.
let's hope this happens.
piss off haters even more if they are going to sign Brian Fuentes with 3-year @ $15-18mil.
let's hope this happens.
About Yankees' CF, do you think it's wise to not offer Melky arbitration and sign Rocco Baldelli, provide he's healthy?
I think 400+ games and 1400+ AB provide a sufficient sample size for Melky's ability or should we say his inability?
Some people say Carlos Beltran was sent all the way to rookie ball in the year he turn 23. However, just because one great player was mediocre at one stage of his career doesn't guarantee a mediocre young player will turn out to be great. Melky might well be another Corey Patterson.
About Yankees' CF, do you think it's wise to not offer Melky arbitration and sign Rocco Baldelli, provide he's healthy?
I think 400+ games and 1400+ AB provide a sufficient sample size for Melky's ability or should we say his inability?
Some people say Carlos Beltran was sent all the way to rookie ball in the year he turn 23. However, just because one great player was mediocre at one stage of his career doesn't guarantee a mediocre young player will turn out to be great. Melky might well be another Corey Patterson.
I heard that Baldelli was misdiagnosed and has a decent to get back on his feet as a baseball player. This is an interesting proposal.
However, if I were a GM, I'll not throw him a big fat long term contract before he proves himself. I guess Cashman will not throw money at him either. Short of that, it's probably Baldelli's best interest to stay at Rays for another year. Familiar surroundings, old friends and coaches, and all that stuff. Rays is a very good team now, so I will not say low pressure environment, though that may be true comparing to the Bronx and the Red Sox Nation.
Given that Matsui and Damon are no longer center fielders, and I will not entrust the center field to Nady or Swisher. Melky Cabrera is probably worth an arbitration offer this year. He's just a seat holder for Austin Jackson. Once Jackson is ready or the Yankees can get someone else to patrol that vast center field in the New Yankee Stadium, Melky will be expendable.
Nah, I think Melky's who he is right now. He can be a solid major league 4th or 5th OF and get a few checks we cannot get in our lives, but that's it.
However, if I were a GM, I'll not throw him a big fat long term contract before he proves himself. I guess Cashman will not throw money at him either. Short of that, it's probably Baldelli's best interest to stay at Rays for another year. Familiar surroundings, old friends and coaches, and all that stuff. Rays is a very good team now, so I will not say low pressure environment, though that may be true comparing to the Bronx and the Red Sox Nation.
Given that Matsui and Damon are no longer center fielders, and I will not entrust the center field to Nady or Swisher. Melky Cabrera is probably worth an arbitration offer this year. He's just a seat holder for Austin Jackson. Once Jackson is ready or the Yankees can get someone else to patrol that vast center field in the New Yankee Stadium, Melky will be expendable.
Nah, I think Melky's who he is right now. He can be a solid major league 4th or 5th OF and get a few checks we cannot get in our lives, but that's it.
To Triff,
我不喜歡 Red Sox,不過我對 Red Sox 的球迷沒有天生的敵意。謝謝你用個不一樣的 handle,不過那真的沒有必要。
關於保險的部份,目前的趨勢是沒有人願意保合約超過三年以上的部份,一部份要感謝 Albert Belle,Mike Hampton 也有不少貢獻。共同保險應該是有的,不過保險公司會不會再保就要看保險公司自己,這些東西連球團本身都不會知道(你的保險公司沒有義務告訴你他們把你的保單拿去再保險),我想我們也沒有什麼管道了解。這應該是各家公司對風險的評估來決定。以目前他們較為保守的策略來看,我猜即使有也不多。
To Yeah,
抱歉,我不同意你的評論和猜測。Tex 的錢有別人出的起,據說 Nationals 的 offer 就有那個價值。另外我並不認為 Manny Ramirez 會來 Yankees。如果他今年 30 或 32 的話,機會會好一點。但是他已經 36 了。
To 小斌
I can't wait to see Price in their rotation. He's awesome!
我不喜歡 Red Sox,不過我對 Red Sox 的球迷沒有天生的敵意。謝謝你用個不一樣的 handle,不過那真的沒有必要。
關於保險的部份,目前的趨勢是沒有人願意保合約超過三年以上的部份,一部份要感謝 Albert Belle,Mike Hampton 也有不少貢獻。共同保險應該是有的,不過保險公司會不會再保就要看保險公司自己,這些東西連球團本身都不會知道(你的保險公司沒有義務告訴你他們把你的保單拿去再保險),我想我們也沒有什麼管道了解。這應該是各家公司對風險的評估來決定。以目前他們較為保守的策略來看,我猜即使有也不多。
To Yeah,
抱歉,我不同意你的評論和猜測。Tex 的錢有別人出的起,據說 Nationals 的 offer 就有那個價值。另外我並不認為 Manny Ramirez 會來 Yankees。如果他今年 30 或 32 的話,機會會好一點。但是他已經 36 了。
To 小斌
I can't wait to see Price in their rotation. He's awesome!
Let's assume Austin Jackson is ready when he is 24, there still 2 full seasons ahead, it's a pain in the ass if Melky torturous another 300+ games.
Brett Gardner can field, has displine, and he has a speed of 80 on a 20-80 scale. Plus, the odds of he hit worse than Melky is small.
Rocco Baldelli is 27, which convinces me he is starting to shine in the years to come.
Ankiel, Josh Hamilton and Brandon Phillips peak at about the same time. Given Baldelli's enormous talent is comparable to those guys, he might be a great bargain.
So if he is willing to take a one year deal(as you said he might stay another year with rays), it might not be a bad idea to sign him. Sign him would not even cost draft pick as rays didn't even bother offer him arbitration. He is likely cost 2~3 million per year anyway.
Center field talent is quiet poor next year with Rick Ankiel being the only big name.
Brett Gardner can field, has displine, and he has a speed of 80 on a 20-80 scale. Plus, the odds of he hit worse than Melky is small.
Rocco Baldelli is 27, which convinces me he is starting to shine in the years to come.
Ankiel, Josh Hamilton and Brandon Phillips peak at about the same time. Given Baldelli's enormous talent is comparable to those guys, he might be a great bargain.
So if he is willing to take a one year deal(as you said he might stay another year with rays), it might not be a bad idea to sign him. Sign him would not even cost draft pick as rays didn't even bother offer him arbitration. He is likely cost 2~3 million per year anyway.
Center field talent is quiet poor next year with Rick Ankiel being the only big name.
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