Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Truth in the Wine Made of Seemingly Sour Grapes
Pinstriped Bible, 12/14/2010, "Lee is Gone But Life Goes On"
在老調的『沒有任何投手值得一張七年合約 (Yankees 給 Lee 的是七年)』、『Lee 雖然比一般的 finesse pitcher 好很多,不過球丟不準仍然只是一台餵球機器』等等之後,任何人都會覺得這酒有點酸。這些都是事實,不過在自由球員市場裡面,要搶到好選手本來就得承受 winner's curse。不多付點錢是搶不過別人的,特別是 Yankees。連自己土生土長的 Jeter 和 Mo 也沒打算要佛心大發幫球團省點錢,怎麼能夠指望沒有淵源的 Lee 願意少拿錢就過來?
搞了半天,看起來說不定 Lee 早就有去 Philadelphia 的打算,或者最起碼對 Yankees 和 Rangers 興趣缺缺,只是不確定其他球隊(特別是 Phillies)能不能給出像樣的合約。上一次這樣耍 Yankees 的是 Greg Maddux,不過如 Goldman 文中所說,那是五個冠軍之前的事情了。Yankees 沒有得到他們要的人,總還是有辦法得到他們要的冠軍的。接下來這幾年 Yankees 手上的壞合約會不少,少了 Lee 的確少點財務風險。
問題在於明年的 rotation。Sabathia 應該仍然可靠,Hughes 今年成績以勝負看超過他的實力,不過他還有進步空間,也許能夠趕上勝負場數跟他真正實力之間的距離。AJ Burnett 仍然是個問號,而且 Pettitte 回不回來還不確定。他們最需要的可能不是一個簽下長期合約的 Lee,而是一年、最多兩年具有 3-4 號投手實力的擋一陣子。不過這年頭有這種實力的,通常也不會願意只打一兩年工。Andy Pettitte 相較之下相當夠意思了。
無論怎麼說,目前 Yankees 的 rotation 看起來總比王建民在當 staff ace 的時候整體戰力要強一些,那時候能撐過去,現在雖然難度高一點,也不至於絕對沒有辦法。Yankees 在小聯盟有幾個很有趣的投手,沒有辦法把 Cliff Lee 找來,也許會為自己的年輕投手找到一些機會。比較麻煩的地方在於明年立刻能上戰場的是比較差的人選,所以 2011 年可能季初預測不會太好看。長期來看,這多半會是 "blessing in disguise"。Greg Maddux 如果每十幾廿年出現一個,那就不成為 Greg Maddux 了。
Would like to hear your opinion about Jeter contract situation? he seems pretty upset during the press conf last week.
And also, How good do you think the philies rotation going to be? Are they going to be World Champ or bust team next season?
Just wondering... ...
And also, How good do you think the philies rotation going to be? Are they going to be World Champ or bust team next season?
Just wondering... ...
不過鄰居紅色襪子打線補得很華麗,尤其是一字排開的左打部隊,Big brother and AJB應該會很有挑戰性.還有CC生涯對右打壓制力比左打好,我看明年現金人應該會做惡夢一整年....
其實要不是基基隊拉不下老臉,我看應該該去找痛痛人談談, 17W 11W ERA 3.75,吃了211 IP,要是在基基隊早就20W了~~LOL~~
其實要不是基基隊拉不下老臉,我看應該該去找痛痛人談談, 17W 11W ERA 3.75,吃了211 IP,要是在基基隊早就20W了~~LOL~~
I agree, and the red sox rotation only looks good on paper....
I think Lester is going to be fine.
Buchholz is a good no.3 pitcher.
then, who knows how Dice-K, Beckett and Lackey going to play out.
and don't forget, if anyone of them down, Tim Wakefield will up. So... ... I can't trust their rotation.
I think Lester is going to be fine.
Buchholz is a good no.3 pitcher.
then, who knows how Dice-K, Beckett and Lackey going to play out.
and don't forget, if anyone of them down, Tim Wakefield will up. So... ... I can't trust their rotation.
If Red Sox still has $$$ 20M to shop SP or other player(s) during the 2011 season, then the chance is Red Sox to lose.
But, I wonder how many cash Red Sox can use during the 2011 season.
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But, I wonder how many cash Red Sox can use during the 2011 season.
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