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Friday, June 05, 2009

I Should Use Twitter 

1. No matter how you spin it, Wang's performance yesterday was not good. He only proves that he can be effective out of the bullpen.
2. However, he deserves another chance, most likely two.
3. He'll pitch against Red Sox and Mets (correction: Nationals). Whether he belongs to the rotation for the rest of the season will be evaluated after those two games.
4. This is what you get for 19 wins in two consecutive seasons and being on the right side of 30.
5. Without those 19 win seasons, please see this. For on the wrong side of 30 (or even 40), see this.
6. It's a wise decision to bump Hughes to the pen and give Wang a chance now before it's too late.
7. It's also a perfectly good choice to NOT put Joba in the pen for the time being.
8. If Wang stays in the rotation, Hughes will be back there later in the season to make a switch with Joba to keep their innings total in control.
9. My prediction is that Hughes will be back earlier than that to fill in for another injured pitcher.



1. 不管你怎麼說, 王昨天的表現都稱不上好. 他只是證明了他有能力擔任先發投手
2. 即使如此, 他應該得到下一次先發的機會, 很可能是下兩次.
3. 他將會對上紅襪和大都會. 他應不應該繼續留在輪值裡將視這兩場的表現而定.
4. 他還應該得到機會的原因是他曾經連兩季19勝而且還不到30歲.
5. 如果沒有過19勝球季, 看這裡. 如果超過30歲(甚至40歲), 看這裡.
6. 現在把Hughes丟到牛棚並給王一個機會是個賢明的決定 - 在事情太遲之前.
7. **沒有**把Joba丟到牛棚也是個完美的決定.
8. 如果王最終留在輪值, Hughes將會在球季後段和Joba交換角色以控制兩人的投球局數.
9. 我的預測是Hughes會更早一點回到輪值, 補上某個受傷投手的缺.
1. 如果 Yankess 是領先分區達 5場以上, 那對 Wang 的容忍度會高一點, 如果 Yankess 是落後球隊, 那 Wang 可能連先發的機會也沒有.
2. 一個剛從 DL 或小聯盟復健賽回來的選手, 第一場或前幾場表現大概不會很理想, 紅襪的 Matsuzaka 是如此, A-ROD 不也是如此, 所以不必過度放大 Wang 第一場的表現, 要觀察他接下來是不是愈來愈好.
3. 我懷疑 Yankess 是在提高 Wang 或是 Hughes 的交易價值, 用他們來交換牛棚投手, 因為洋基牛棚已經有 Tomko 和 Aceves 可以當長中繼, 不是很需要 Wang 做長中繼, 而 Yankess 2A 的投手McAllister 今年在小聯盟也表現不錯, 應該可以隨時拉上大聯盟.
twitter is a good idea. many people will follow you. include me :)
"He only proves that he can be effective out of the bullpen."


"He only proves that he can be effective out of the bullpen."

"He only proves that he can be effective out of the bullpen."

意為 "只證明他(目前)能以後援投手投出成績"
在牛棚以外的地方有效 當然是指"先發"的腳色阿
out of the bullpen應該是指從牛棚出賽的意思...
關於第5點,我想CCLU想講的是,Wang之所以能重回先發輪值,主要是因為他06-07年有過連續兩年19勝的戰積,且又還沒30歲(即on the right side of 30),所以球團還願意給他機會。但如果你沒有19 wins in two consecutive seasons,沒有展現出未來性,即使是年輕的投手,球團一樣會把你釋出(Chase Wright,就是一例)。但即使你有過豐功偉業,但已經超過30甚至40歲(即on the wrong side of 30 or even 40),球團也不太會再耐心等你復健,並拉你回先發輪值重建信心,而是直接把你釋出(Tom Glavine就是一例)。
這裡 out of = from 而不是離開的意思, 從上下文也可以得知, 去問問英文老師吧

或者http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/out%20of 網頁最下方

cclu 該出來解釋了, 意思被曲解該做一下澄清吧
to nerd :

"He only proves that he can be effective out of the bullpen."

意為 "只證明他(目前)能以後援投手投出成績"

I'm on your side.
by the way,
這是我看過本網站最歡樂的一次留言 XD

言歸正傳 我對版主的第7點有些疑問
也就是 "為什麼是Hughes 而不是Chamberlain被放到牛棚 "是個比較好的選擇?
這兩人今年都有局數的限制 要投到球季結束應該都有問題 所以取決的重點 是在於兩人今年表現的差異嗎?
Joba is trully way better than Phil.
"He only proves that he can be effective out of the bullpen."
是 "他只證明他能在牛棚投出成績."
我之前翻錯了 <(_ _)>
out 是很常用來當做出賽的字眼阿,常常可以看到XXX's strong outing...

我倒覺得Joba Chamberlain的局數限制不是個大問題耶,照他的傷病史,應該會痛個幾下,然後跳過幾次先發XD...

我只想問CCLu老師的twitter account是啥?我想follow...
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