Monday, September 29, 2008
Moose Wins 20
在 "Mr. Almost" 令人驚豔的18年生涯中,終於這一次他不再是 Mr. Almost,他贏得了今年球季的第20勝,同時也是他生涯的第270勝。
New York Times 的 Tyler Kepner 猜測 Mussina 會選擇退休,從他的理由看來,似乎這個看法相當可信。Moose 在 O's 的時候常被描寫為一個自私的球員,理由往往是因為他太知道如何保護自己,盡量避免一個要保住自己工作的 manager 過度使用他而傷了他的手臂。仔細看他這一路走來,他都很有自己的想法,不但知道自己追求什麼,也知道自己的能力在哪裡,不過度樂觀。職業球員的共同特色之一是大多數人都對將會發生的事情非常樂觀、自信,同時擁有標準的 alpha male 性格,而 Moose 則完全不是這樣。他自己認為如果要爭取 300 勝的話大概還要三年,在棒球上是他的 40-42 歲球季。而到2011 年的時候,他可能甚至要想辦法找到一個雇主讓他拿到最後剩下的幾勝,這是他不想要過的生活。在一個 20 勝球季後,大部分人可能會認定自己兩年就可以做到,只要一個兩年甚至有合理 vesting 條款的 1+1 合約就能夠達到 300 勝,不過 Moose 不是這樣的人。
另一個極端是 C.C. Sabathia,他燃燒小宇宙的精神雖然令人感佩,但是他的下一個雇主大概不這麼認為。Yankees 今年冬天需要找先發投手,不過 C.C. 要求的合約如果時間太長,這個最合理的選擇可能風險過高而不再合理。
明年 Yankees 仍有王建民,也許 Andy Pettitte,同時 Phil Hughes 和 Ian Kennedy 會再一次得到機會。Joba Chamberlain 的前途大概有相當程度要看 Yankees 在 FA 市場上簽到什麼人,以及 Mo 的手術情況而定。Mo 可能動的是個小手術,不過對一個38歲的投手來講沒有什麼東西叫做『小手術』。棒球選手不但要在手術過後能夠恢復正常生活,他們還要能夠恢復他們受傷前的表現。如果 Mo 的情況正常,把 Chamberlain 放在第八局兩年是個不應該忍受的浪費,將他再一次轉為先發投手就會是個很自然的選擇。麻煩在於如果 Mo 不能擔任 closer 的任務,Yankees 可能因沒有選擇而直接指派 Chamberlain 作為 Mo 的接班人。
今年雖然 Chamberlain 因傷沒能照計畫固定先發,不過我還不能就此相信他沒有辦法做到。在確定他沒有先發所需的健康與體力之前,把他放在一年七十局的角色而放棄他可能一年貢獻兩百局的投球是一種浪費。
在 Moose 選擇退休的前提下,Yankees 必須在市場上簽下一個先發投手。Joe Sheehan 在 9/23 的 BP Prospectus Today 中建議不要簽下先發 FA 是假設 Moose 和 Pettitte 都會回來,不過這個假設看起來不太保險。C.C. Sabathia, A.J. Burnett, Ben Sheets 這三個人都是高風險投資,而且最近十天 C.C. 的風險又再往上提升了些。要簽到這三個人之一就必須在合約的長度和薪資額度上超過其他競爭對手,我們只能期望 Yankees 有好運氣,最後的選擇能夠給他們幾年的回收,同時不至於在該投手受傷的時候帶給球隊太大的傷害。
至於 Sheehan 建議應該簽回 Pavano 這一點,雖然他的理由合理,我的建議還是算了。
接下來幾天 Brian Cashman 應該會決定去留。他不打算讓 Yankees 等到十月底,而他是否和 Yankees 續約應該也算是重大訊息,大概不適合在季後賽進行中公佈,所以下面幾天應該可以聽到他的決定。由於 Yankees 希望他回來是確定的,我猜接下來他大概會決定答應,至於合約細部內容可以慢慢討論,畢竟他現在的合約是到十月底才到期。之所以認為他會答應的原因是他終於在最近這幾年中主導 Yankees 的方向,但是今年結果並不如意。再一個兩年或三年的合約可以讓他看到自己相信的正確方向是否能夠成功。他如果想要換個工作,不管是當其他球隊的 GM 甚或離開棒球,都不會受到接下來兩三年 Yankees 的表現的影響,對他來講風險並不大。再者,最近幾個月看來 Hal 雖然不像 Hank 的聲音那麼大,他對 Yankees 的影響只有更深,而非事前大家猜測的是只在球團財務方面著力。Hal Steinbrenner 和 Brian Cashman 的關係相當好,這是另外一個我相信 Cashman 會留下來的原因。
Playoff Matchups
沒有時間把 rotation, bullpen, lineup 和 bench 拿來一一分析,大概說明一下我的猜測好了:
Rays vs. White Sox/Twins: Rays in 4, the better team wins. And the White Sox/Twins might be too exhausted to get to the playoff if they have to play another game against each other.
Angels vs. Red Sox: Red Sox in 5, they have much better hitting than the Angels.
Cubs vs. Dodgers: Cubs in 3. Two former Yankees skippers face each other, the one with better players wins the series.
Phillies vs. Brewers: Phillies in 5. Phillies' rotation is better alligned.
有沒有人要賭 Dale Sveum 會不會 10/2 再度讓 C.C. Sabathia 在 3-day rest 之後出來?關鍵大概在 Ben Sheets,如果他能夠休息三天在 10/1 打頭陣,隔日讓 C.C. Sabathia 同樣休息三天上場的誘惑會大到無法抗拒。唯有讓 Sabathia 在第二場上場,他才有可能在如果有需要的第五場先發。他第一場如果是 NLDS G3,那是 10/4 的比賽,要想在 10/7 的第五場出來就太趕了。Sheets 上一次只投了2.1局,53球,是個讓他提早一天出來的理由,不過他先前手肘的問題則是讓他不應該只休息三天上場的原因。
今年 Cubs 終於應該進 WS 了吧?比賽還沒有打,誰也不敢說結果會如何。不過從目前的交戰組合來看,Red Sox vs. Cubs 這個對決大概是最有可能出現的一組。遺憾的是這是在 Red Sox 贏了兩次 WS 冠軍之後他們才碰頭,如果這個戲碼在 2003 年出現會比現在有看頭的多。
所謂If I am in for one year, then I would be in for three其實是合約設計的問題, 今年底NY可以給Moose三年的約, 但是用大約10勝當門檻把大部份的錢放在incentive裡(我不知道MLB對於incentive跟合約本身的金額間有沒有比例的限制), 再加上球員可以opt-out退休, 這樣NY就可以很大的一個部份閃避掉給一個老投手長約的風險(如果表現不好, 給的出薪水就有限), 對Moose來講, 未來三年他都會有工作, 但是要是自己老得太快, 不想再追求300勝, 也可以opt-out回賓州老家去.....
我覺得所謂的300勝, 會不會老了還要四處流浪湊齊300勝, 或是想要什麼樣的生活都還是其次, It all comes down to how much love Moose still has to the game.
我覺得所謂的300勝, 會不會老了還要四處流浪湊齊300勝, 或是想要什麼樣的生活都還是其次, It all comes down to how much love Moose still has to the game.
不是的,在 Tyler Kepner 在 BATS 裡的文章裡已經談得很清楚,Moose 明確的說如果他的數字離 300 很近,要退休比現在要來的更難。下面這一段是直接引自 Kepner 的文章,在 "If I am in for one year, then I would be in for three" 這句話之前:
He'll be 40 in December, and he has 270 wins. If he is healthy for one more season, he'll probably exceed 280. At that point, he said, there would be no turning back. He'd have to get 300, and that would mean pitching in 2010 and 2011, too.
Yankees 或任何球隊現在都不可能給 Moose 三年約,他知道,任何人都知道。這不是合約設計的問題,我想你誤解了。
這裡純粹是 HOF 考量,他如果有 300 勝的話大概穩進,現在機會雖然有但是恐怕不會是前五年、甚至前十年就能進去的。
He'll be 40 in December, and he has 270 wins. If he is healthy for one more season, he'll probably exceed 280. At that point, he said, there would be no turning back. He'd have to get 300, and that would mean pitching in 2010 and 2011, too.
Yankees 或任何球隊現在都不可能給 Moose 三年約,他知道,任何人都知道。這不是合約設計的問題,我想你誤解了。
這裡純粹是 HOF 考量,他如果有 300 勝的話大概穩進,現在機會雖然有但是恐怕不會是前五年、甚至前十年就能進去的。
That is what makes Moose so different in MLB: he is too smart and too sober. He knows his 2008 season is not easy to duplicate. Look at how embarrasing Mad Dog Maddux is wiht Padres this year... How attractive HOF is to Moose is no easy answer by now.
To cbct,
I guess you meant Dodgers. Maddux was just on a par with his performance last year when he was a Padre this year.
Being a Dodger for a whole month and a bit more, Maddux did not live up to his own standard. Not even the diminished one he currently holds. But I wouldn't say he embarrassed himself.
That said, I believe it's time for him to call it quits after being below league average two years in a row. People go see him expect to watch the performance from a HOF'er, not a below average player.
Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle left the game when they felt they weren't themselves anymore. I do hope Maddux realizes that himself. Let's see what he wants to do. You can always spin it as "he loves the game too much, so he can't just leave like that".
I guess you meant Dodgers. Maddux was just on a par with his performance last year when he was a Padre this year.
Being a Dodger for a whole month and a bit more, Maddux did not live up to his own standard. Not even the diminished one he currently holds. But I wouldn't say he embarrassed himself.
That said, I believe it's time for him to call it quits after being below league average two years in a row. People go see him expect to watch the performance from a HOF'er, not a below average player.
Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle left the game when they felt they weren't themselves anymore. I do hope Maddux realizes that himself. Let's see what he wants to do. You can always spin it as "he loves the game too much, so he can't just leave like that".
Dear CC
Please dont get me wrong,I did not mean Maddux embarrasses himself,I just tried to say the fact itself that Maddux struggles past two years is an embarrassing one. Maddux and Smoltz were my favorite pitching team back to 90', even till now I am still amazed by John's pitching. Yet it is a great deal of pain watching a role model diminish. 自古美人如名將,不許人間見白頭...
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Please dont get me wrong,I did not mean Maddux embarrasses himself,I just tried to say the fact itself that Maddux struggles past two years is an embarrassing one. Maddux and Smoltz were my favorite pitching team back to 90', even till now I am still amazed by John's pitching. Yet it is a great deal of pain watching a role model diminish. 自古美人如名將,不許人間見白頭...