Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wild Card Race Begins
Yankees 現在已經正式進入 wild card 的爭奪戰。在王建民先發這場球賽之前,BP 的 Postseason Odds 模擬一百萬次後所得到的平均勝場及進入季後賽的機率是:
Red Sox: 97.9, 98.5%
Yankees: 90.2, 58.0%
Indians: 90.5, 65.7%
Tigers: 90.1, 60.3%
Angels: 91.9, 86.2%
Mariners: 86.1, 23.9%
ELO 調整過的平均數值是:
Red Sox: 96.3, 93.9%
Yankees: 92.0, 69.2%
Indians: 90.0, 56.3%
Tigers: 90.0, 55.7%
Angels: 94.5, 90.7%
Mariners: 87.2, 23.8%
PECOTA 調整過的則是:
Red Sox: 98.4, 98.7%
Yankees: 90.7, 61.2%
Indians: 91.0, 67.3%
Tigers: 90.3, 58.3%
Angels: 92.1, 88.0%
Mariners: 85.5, 19.2%
1. 三個分區各有兩隻球隊在爭季後賽名額。
2. AL East 的 Red Sox 和 AL West Angels 有足夠的優勢被看好會順利贏得分區的冠軍。
3. AL Central 兩隻球隊咬的很緊,輸的球隊還可以爭 wild card。
4. Wild card race 目前最看好的是 Yankees。
5. M's 今天比賽後雖然在 wild card race 中領先,不過仍然不被看好。
第一點沒有什麼好談的,Blue Jays 和 A's 落後太多,剩下來的比賽數目太少,他們要製造噪音的機會很低。在數學上被確定淘汰出局之前,任何球隊的機率都高於零。不過這兩隊都因為傷兵或低潮的緣故缺乏足夠的 talents,他們沒有多少機會。A's 今年傷得甚至比 Yankees 還嚴重,打出這種成績是非戰之罪。
Twins 跟分區領先的差距還算合理,如果前面那兩隻球隊大崩盤,他們也還會有機會。但是那樣進季後賽的話大概是分區冠軍而不是 Wild Card。當然,在球季剩下一個半月多一點的現在,同一個分區中兩隻球隊同時崩盤的機會太小了。
Red Sox 的優勢大家都看得到。他們的投手陣容是 AL 最好的。在打擊方面今年雖然 Ortiz 和 Ramirez 沒有表現出他們的生涯水準,不過 Big Papi 用 OBP 或多或少補償了一些他損失的 SLG。Manny 下半球季開始時似乎要把上半球季欠的全部打回來的樣子,可是過去七天又有點冷卻下來。我們就姑且相信這也是 Manny being Manny,他仍然是 AL 最好的打者之一。他們的打線裡面有些打者表現不好,不過有另外一些超過預期,整體來講 Red Sox 還是相當好。在下半球季他們的得分是 AL 第二,145 runs,整個球季是 AL 第三 580 runs。加上他們的投手,AL 最好的戰績一點也不是僥倖。
Angels 的情況跟 Red Sox 不同,我們必須跟 M's 一起談。雖然不像 Red Sox 一樣遙遙領先,不過 Angels 的投手表現也很好,在 AL 平均每場失分排前五名,於 contenders 中只輸第一名的 Red Sox。他們的打線雖然飽受批評,但也繳出了前五名的成績。這隻球隊攻守還算均衡,只是缺乏大棒子而已。他們之所以在 Postseason odds 上有那麼好的機率,主要在於他們跟 M's 的差距。
M's 到目前為止的 62-49 幾乎是奇蹟。他們得 544 分,失 536 分 (已計入 8/8 成績),預期的勝場是 56 場,他們足足多贏六場。一般球隊超過預期的原因有兩個:一是在一分差比賽表現特別好,另一則是在 blowouts (這裡使用 Baseball-Reference 的定義:贏或輸五分或五分以上) 裡面輸贏不成比例,造成樣本偏誤。M's 今年的一分差比賽並沒有特別好運,他們的成績是 18-17,得失分是 156-155,剛好跟預期相同 (事實上多贏 0.4 場,不過實際勝場不會有小數點的)。在 blowouts 裡面有前面說到的偏誤,他們勝負是 15-18,得失分則是 170-207。這種小樣本不適合做 Pythagorean W-L 計算,不過我們硬算的話,他們比預期多贏兩場。剩下那些從輸四分到輸二分,贏二分到贏四分的比賽中,他們比預期要多贏三場,這些很難歸因於運氣,不過也很難解釋就是了。我們如果把 blowouts 拿開不看,M's 倒也沒有一般想像的那麼糟。從數據分析的角度來看,我們不應該把運氣納入,而那些無法解釋的東西就算不是運氣通常也不計入,所以一般不看好 M's 的評價是這樣出來的。
他們最好的機會應該還是在面對面的比賽中打敗 Angels,如果 Angels 不能在七場中贏得至少三場,AL West 還有可能會很有趣。從投打表現來看,M's 跟 Yankees, Indians 和 Tigers 有一段距離,不過他們也都還有面對面的機會 (3G vs. NYY, 5G vs. CLE, 3G vs. DET)。如果他們能夠把之前不知是運氣還是什麼東西的帶入這些球賽,他們也仍然會在 wild card race 中。
AL Central 那兩隻球隊的 postseason odds 高於 Yankees 的主要原因是他們都有接近一半的機會拿分區冠軍,而 Yankees 拿分區冠軍的機會相當小。我們很難相信 Yankees 可以維持這樣的得分效率直到球季結束,他們在明星賽後每場平均得分超過七分,團隊打擊則是驚人的 .328/.401/.556。有很多名人堂選手的生涯打擊成績還沒有這麼好,甚至有的 HOF'er 的 career year 都沒有這種數字。接下來他們有一些硬仗,會遇到一些好投手,這些數字應該會降下來一些。在下半球季 AL 團隊 ERA 的排名是(隊名後面是下半球季 ERA/全季 ERA):
1. TOR 3.57/4.17 (7)
2. MIN 3.63/4.10
3. CLE 3.64/4.28 (3)
4. BOS 3.88/3.79 (6)
5. BAL 4.23/4.38 (9)
6. NYY 4.24/4.33
7. LAA 4.30/4.13 (3)
8. OAK 4.58/3.86
9. SEA 4.86/4.56 (3)
10. TEX 4.90/5.04
11. KC 4.98/4.59 (3)
12. DET 5.38/4.55 (8)
13. CHW 5.75/4.85
14. TAM 6.32/5.93 (6)
括號裡的數字是跟剩下來跟 Yankees 的交戰次數。排名前半的球隊交戰場次會超過後半的,Yankees 的打擊應該會冷下來一點。由於他們下半球季投手表現也漸入佳境,應該還是能夠維持一定的競爭力。
目前看來除了 AL Central 以外大概沒有什麼精彩的 pennant race,不過 wild card race 這幾天在 Yankees 加入戰局後開始白熱化。接下來我們還是有不少好的球賽可以看。
A Loss Is a Loss
王建民今天的先發應該不需要擔心,他的 location 不好,同時又在對他最不利的人工草皮球場出賽。經驗老道如 Roger Clemens 也有上上次先發那種不到兩局丟八分的比賽(雖然只有三分 ER,不過實在很難說他對另外五分沒有『責任』)。只要王建民的手指、手臂沒有問題,唯一要擔心的只有下次上來可能會有 "over-powering" 的問題,因為他今天工作負擔實在不太夠。
真正需要擔心的是接下來的賽程。Yankees 下面 20 場的對手是:
at CLE 3
v. BAL 3
v. DET 4
at LAA 3
at DET 4
v. BOS 3
除了 Baltimore 以外,其他四隻球隊都是最前面談過的 contenders,而 O's 的投手今年表現不錯。我們看看其他幾隻跟 Yankees 爭季後賽名額的球隊接下來同樣到 8/30 的賽程:
at CHW 1
v. NYY 3
v. DET 2
at TAM 3
at DET 3
at KC 3
v. MIN 3
v. SEA 1
v. TAM 1
v. OAK 4
at CLE 2
at NYY 4
v. CLE 4
v. NYY 4
at KC 3
at BAL 1
at CHW 3
v. MIN 3
v. CHW 3
at MIN 3
at TEX 4
v. LAA 3
at CLE 1
Yankees 必須要在這 21 天之內緊緊咬住這幾隻球隊,最好還要能夠贏下面對面的 series。否則等到九月開始如果有明顯落後,那就不容易追了。Yankees 九月的賽程比起八月雖然輕鬆一點,但是大概也不過跟 Indians 的賽程強度相當,比起 Tigers 和 M's 佔不到便宜。
Red Sox 困難的賽程差不多結束了,所以我就不列入討論。接下來一直到球季結束他們只會遇到兩個 contenders,主場面對 Angels 四場和主客場各面對 Yankees 三場。Yankees 不但在賽程強度上面居劣勢,甚至接下來還不能指望 Red Sox 幫他們打敗其他的 wild card 競爭者。
我前兩天看到的數字是,A's今年用了19次DL,不知道有沒有把Chavez算進去了,好想知道MLB紀錄是幾次 XD
BP的Adjusted Standing裡面,Angels終於超過A's列在第一,現實落後超過十場的球隊,竟然可以維持分區第一這麼久,真是夠詭異的了,不過現在Adjusted Standing還暫時領先M's就是 XD
BP的Adjusted Standing裡面,Angels終於超過A's列在第一,現實落後超過十場的球隊,竟然可以維持分區第一這麼久,真是夠詭異的了,不過現在Adjusted Standing還暫時領先M's就是 XD
詭異的不只是Adjusted Standing這回事,還有這支球隊跟中邪一樣瘋狂受傷,竟然有辦法在W1 W2 W3取得這種領先。
其實我季初預測ARI拿ALW title,至於為什麼他們W1 W2 W3落後這麼多,說實在我沒注意 XD
其實我季初預測ARI拿ALW title,至於為什麼他們W1 W2 W3落後這麼多,說實在我沒注意 XD
Diamond Backs 其實比較好解釋,他們就是強運。D-Backs 的得失分是 480-510,這樣推估出來的成績是 54-61,比實際成績差 10 場。
但是他們的成績 splits︰
1 run game: 25-15
blowouts: 11-21
贏小的輸大的,搞出這種結果並不意外。在 blowouts 的得失分這邊他們『應該』贏 9.5 場左右,實際上多贏一場多。換句話說,在輸贏 2-4 分的比賽裡他們大概少贏一場多。這個數據比 M's 的還要小一點。扣掉這些特別情況之後的比賽場數實在有點少,差個一場多應該算很少了。
決定性因素還是在於 1-run game。教練和 bullpen 對 1-run game 的結果多少有影響,不過影響有限,大部分的差異通常還是歸因為運氣。
但是他們的成績 splits︰
1 run game: 25-15
blowouts: 11-21
贏小的輸大的,搞出這種結果並不意外。在 blowouts 的得失分這邊他們『應該』贏 9.5 場左右,實際上多贏一場多。換句話說,在輸贏 2-4 分的比賽裡他們大概少贏一場多。這個數據比 M's 的還要小一點。扣掉這些特別情況之後的比賽場數實在有點少,差個一場多應該算很少了。
決定性因素還是在於 1-run game。教練和 bullpen 對 1-run game 的結果多少有影響,不過影響有限,大部分的差異通常還是歸因為運氣。
其實他絕大部分被打出去的都是Line Drive,
而且是直擊外野的 hit of Line-Drive。
(Blooper那種lucky base hit應該不能算Line-Drive)
如果要說比較有印象的滾地球,是Frank Thomas的那一棒,
因為今天站在那裡的人不是Omar Vizquel,也不是Alex Rodriguez,
既然選擇讓Derek Jeter守在那,球穿出去的機會大不大,
其實大家也是心知肚明,了不起就是個base hit with 1 RBI,
才會知道那個Model of Prob. 長什麼樣子。
我想我們都不是從事這個行業的Scout吧....: )
其實他絕大部分被打出去的都是Line Drive,
而且是直擊外野的 hit of Line-Drive。
(Blooper那種lucky base hit應該不能算Line-Drive)
如果要說比較有印象的滾地球,是Frank Thomas的那一棒,
因為今天站在那裡的人不是Omar Vizquel,也不是Alex Rodriguez,
既然選擇讓Derek Jeter守在那,球穿出去的機會大不大,
其實大家也是心知肚明,了不起就是個base hit with 1 RBI,
才會知道那個Model of Prob. 長什麼樣子。
我想我們都不是從事這個行業的Scout吧....: )
To firstpitch
Cano確實有點被認為是盲炮, 但是今年新的打擊教練有對他作 "只準看球不準打擊" 的特訓, 所以他最近有二場單場選到3BB, 我相信只要有選球眼Cano打擊會更強, 從最近他的HR及打擊率可以看出來. 至於 Melky 我沒看到過有相關的報導, 不過應該也有特別的指導, 但是 Melky 曾經說過當他無需為取得先發奮戰後(現在換成Damon要奮戰取得先發位置), 他的心態也改變了, 打擊也變強了, 也許是獲得大量的固定出賽數造成的也說不定.
Cano確實有點被認為是盲炮, 但是今年新的打擊教練有對他作 "只準看球不準打擊" 的特訓, 所以他最近有二場單場選到3BB, 我相信只要有選球眼Cano打擊會更強, 從最近他的HR及打擊率可以看出來. 至於 Melky 我沒看到過有相關的報導, 不過應該也有特別的指導, 但是 Melky 曾經說過當他無需為取得先發奮戰後(現在換成Damon要奮戰取得先發位置), 他的心態也改變了, 打擊也變強了, 也許是獲得大量的固定出賽數造成的也說不定.
有沒有用?效果應該有限。滾地球慢一點(也不會慢太多就是了)可以為野手多爭取一點點的時間,對於 range 比較小或是 first jump 比較差的守備球員就會有幫助。
但是偶爾也會有弄巧成拙的情況,例如說滾的稍微慢了一點以致於無法完成雙殺,或者是三壘方向緩慢滾地球沒有出界形成所謂的 "swinging bunt"。
我沒有看過實證研究,這種滾地球滾的稍微慢一點有利於守方是所謂的傳統智慧。所有的傳統智慧都值得去檢驗,不過這個大概只能給 ground keeper 做參考是否要讓草長一點或是要不要多澆一點水,有趣歸有趣,實用價值並不高。
有沒有用?效果應該有限。滾地球慢一點(也不會慢太多就是了)可以為野手多爭取一點點的時間,對於 range 比較小或是 first jump 比較差的守備球員就會有幫助。
但是偶爾也會有弄巧成拙的情況,例如說滾的稍微慢了一點以致於無法完成雙殺,或者是三壘方向緩慢滾地球沒有出界形成所謂的 "swinging bunt"。
我沒有看過實證研究,這種滾地球滾的稍微慢一點有利於守方是所謂的傳統智慧。所有的傳統智慧都值得去檢驗,不過這個大概只能給 ground keeper 做參考是否要讓草長一點或是要不要多澆一點水,有趣歸有趣,實用價值並不高。
Speaking of Cano....... do you think he is now officially the 2B version of Adrian Beltre?
As in... a player who never starts hitting until the 2nd half of the season?
Speaking of Cano....... do you think he is now officially the 2B version of Adrian Beltre?
As in... a player who never starts hitting until the 2nd half of the season?
To Wilson,
Cano's splits are significantly different in the first and the second halves. That's all we can say right now.
With only 2-plus years service under his belt, it's too early to say he's a slow starter. It is possible that he's still learning, which is claimed to be the case this year. Some adjustments take time every year, but some don't once you learned it.
If you are asking this for FB strategy, take your own risk here. I have to say I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.
Cano's splits are significantly different in the first and the second halves. That's all we can say right now.
With only 2-plus years service under his belt, it's too early to say he's a slow starter. It is possible that he's still learning, which is claimed to be the case this year. Some adjustments take time every year, but some don't once you learned it.
If you are asking this for FB strategy, take your own risk here. I have to say I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.
It's funny, Cano is already fairly close to his OPS+ from last year, and in both 05/06 he's best month was September, where he smashed 12 of his 29 HR... wonder how he goes down in the final month this year ;), 他今年其實選球也還是不算很好, 但後半段真的有很明顯的進步到是真的. 年輕人進步不是很奇怪的事情.
Cano 跟 Cabrera都是個怪異的prospect 範例, 他們小聯盟的成績看不大出來有現在的水準, 而且相似度很高, 都是到了最後才忽然爆發, 可能這跟Yankees 內部何時把人上升的時機挑的很準也有關聯. 他們兩人 ball 都沒有在同一個level打滿一整季的場數了, 尤其Melky 在小聯盟最長的一站是Trenton 的 100 場.. o_O
Cabrera is clearly going from "4th OF" to "everyday CF" this season, he's hitting well above the CF average, and bringing at least according to baseballprospectus an awsome glove too.
Brian Cashman is looking smarter and smarter as the season goes on. of course having a gazillion $$$$ helps too, but plenty of teams have spend and sucked (Cubs last year, Giants this year... ) and he's actually slowly but surely going towards lowering the salary on the big league roster (to lock up A-rod and Johan Santana, i'm sure ;))
Cano 跟 Cabrera都是個怪異的prospect 範例, 他們小聯盟的成績看不大出來有現在的水準, 而且相似度很高, 都是到了最後才忽然爆發, 可能這跟Yankees 內部何時把人上升的時機挑的很準也有關聯. 他們兩人 ball 都沒有在同一個level打滿一整季的場數了, 尤其Melky 在小聯盟最長的一站是Trenton 的 100 場.. o_O
Cabrera is clearly going from "4th OF" to "everyday CF" this season, he's hitting well above the CF average, and bringing at least according to baseballprospectus an awsome glove too.
Brian Cashman is looking smarter and smarter as the season goes on. of course having a gazillion $$$$ helps too, but plenty of teams have spend and sucked (Cubs last year, Giants this year... ) and he's actually slowly but surely going towards lowering the salary on the big league roster (to lock up A-rod and Johan Santana, i'm sure ;))
The Red Sox do not have an easy schedule. It may APPEAR to be easy... but...
1) 12 games agains the Devil Rays means 3-4 games against Scott Kazmir. That man doesn't kill the Sox. That man kills the Sox, fucks the wife, molests the child, kicks the dog, and drinks the beer out of the fridge.
2) There's still 6 games H2H against the Yankees.
3) 4 Games Against LAA at home
4) 6 Games Against Toronto, which means 1 or 2 Roy Halladay starts, plus Toronto has really been coming on lately. Theyr'e only 5.5 back in the WC
5) 2 Against Oakland, who are also hot. We'll get either Haren or Gaudin, ugh.
6) 4 Games against Minny, who have been pretty consistent all year, and of course Johan Santana.
7) 8 more vs. Baltimore, which means we'll get Bedard twice.
I really really fail to see how we have an easy schedule.
1) 12 games agains the Devil Rays means 3-4 games against Scott Kazmir. That man doesn't kill the Sox. That man kills the Sox, fucks the wife, molests the child, kicks the dog, and drinks the beer out of the fridge.
2) There's still 6 games H2H against the Yankees.
3) 4 Games Against LAA at home
4) 6 Games Against Toronto, which means 1 or 2 Roy Halladay starts, plus Toronto has really been coming on lately. Theyr'e only 5.5 back in the WC
5) 2 Against Oakland, who are also hot. We'll get either Haren or Gaudin, ugh.
6) 4 Games against Minny, who have been pretty consistent all year, and of course Johan Santana.
7) 8 more vs. Baltimore, which means we'll get Bedard twice.
I really really fail to see how we have an easy schedule.
Jeez, if you don't think the Sox have an easy schedule ahead of them, it says a lot about your personality rather than the schedule itself.
It could be a classical half-full-half-empty-glass of thing, only here it's two-thirds full, one-third empty.
I just checked the record:
BOS vs. BAL 6W-3L
BOS vs. TBD 5W-1L
BOS vs. TOR 7W-5L
BOS vs. NYY 7W-5L
I'll grant you one thing, Sox beat the Yankees when they didn't play half as well as they are now. However, these two teams usually pulled their best when facing each other, so that might not mean much.
BOS vs. LAA 4W-2L
Last time the Red Sox hosted the Rally Monkey, they beat that jumping animal fair and square. Sox won all three games at Fenway Park and the total scores were 25-3. I list those games as the harder part of the schedule, but I might be wrong.
A's and Twins aren't easy, but there's a reason they stand at the third places in their respective divisions. When the Yankees are playing the first or second place teams in those divisions, there's nothing to whine about playing third place teams. BTW, those 6 games are the last 6 of the year, at home. By the time the pennant race or even the wild card race could be all over.
Be optimistic and enjoy the rest of the regular season. Anything can happen in the playoff, so everyone should sit tight and cross their fingers. However, the Red Sox is the best team this year and they play like one. There's really nothing to worry until you see bunting at Fenway Park.
It could be a classical half-full-half-empty-glass of thing, only here it's two-thirds full, one-third empty.
I just checked the record:
BOS vs. BAL 6W-3L
BOS vs. TBD 5W-1L
BOS vs. TOR 7W-5L
BOS vs. NYY 7W-5L
I'll grant you one thing, Sox beat the Yankees when they didn't play half as well as they are now. However, these two teams usually pulled their best when facing each other, so that might not mean much.
BOS vs. LAA 4W-2L
Last time the Red Sox hosted the Rally Monkey, they beat that jumping animal fair and square. Sox won all three games at Fenway Park and the total scores were 25-3. I list those games as the harder part of the schedule, but I might be wrong.
A's and Twins aren't easy, but there's a reason they stand at the third places in their respective divisions. When the Yankees are playing the first or second place teams in those divisions, there's nothing to whine about playing third place teams. BTW, those 6 games are the last 6 of the year, at home. By the time the pennant race or even the wild card race could be all over.
Be optimistic and enjoy the rest of the regular season. Anything can happen in the playoff, so everyone should sit tight and cross their fingers. However, the Red Sox is the best team this year and they play like one. There's really nothing to worry until you see bunting at Fenway Park.
There's really nothing to worry until you see bunting at Fenway Park.
My favourite stat of all time: Manny Ramirez, 2 Career Sacrifice Bunts.
When the Yankees are playing the first or second place teams in those divisions, there's nothing to whine about playing third place teams.
Because we've already been through Cleveland and Detroit. Other than the sweep in Detroit we played them pretty tough.
Last time the Red Sox hosted the Rally Monkey, they beat that jumping animal fair and square. Sox won all three games at Fenway Park and the total scores were 25-3. I list those games as the harder part of the schedule, but I might be wrong.
That was when JD Drew still had both testicles.
BOS vs. BAL 6W-3L
BOS vs. TBD 5W-1L
BOS vs. TOR 7W-5L
BOS vs. NYY 7W-5L
The records were not nearly as kind last year.
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My favourite stat of all time: Manny Ramirez, 2 Career Sacrifice Bunts.
When the Yankees are playing the first or second place teams in those divisions, there's nothing to whine about playing third place teams.
Because we've already been through Cleveland and Detroit. Other than the sweep in Detroit we played them pretty tough.
Last time the Red Sox hosted the Rally Monkey, they beat that jumping animal fair and square. Sox won all three games at Fenway Park and the total scores were 25-3. I list those games as the harder part of the schedule, but I might be wrong.
That was when JD Drew still had both testicles.
BOS vs. BAL 6W-3L
BOS vs. TBD 5W-1L
BOS vs. TOR 7W-5L
BOS vs. NYY 7W-5L
The records were not nearly as kind last year.