Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The Battle Goes On
Torre 前幾天才說過一壘手 (backup or platoon) 的工作是 "Andy Phillips's to lose",不過在 Josh Phelps 打出他的第一隻 extra base hit (一隻全壘打),以及春訓通算 4-for-8 2 保送的成績後,看起來越來越有意思。這當然是不能提供任何有意義的訊息的小樣本,但是 Andy Phillips 大概不會感覺像幾天前看到 Torre 說那是他的工作時那麼有自信。一壘手的這個名額看來越來越不確定,這個位置要花一些時間來觀察。
bullpen 是另外一個還有得爭的地方,不過現在要談誰會勝出還太早了。幾個在競爭工作的都只投兩局或兩局不到,也許還沒失分,也許丟一或兩分。
Phil Hughes 昨天比賽的情況比第一次好不少,這也不令人意外。BP 的 Nate Silver 在 Unfiltered 專欄談到 TNSTAAPP 的另外一層意義:像 Hughes 這種在小聯盟裡沒有什麼東西可以證明的投手,他們已經是投手而不只是 pitching prospect 了。他們的 rotator cuffs、labrums 或 elbows 如果要磨損的話一樣會磨損,讓他們投小聯盟比賽只是無意義的消耗而已。Hughes 可以花點時間再磨練一下 changeup 並且試試看能不能找回他的 slider,不過後者並不那麼重要,而前者已經不壞了。除非 Hughes 有什麼狀況發生,Yankees 應該在十到十五場 AAA 先發之後把他叫上來,總是有個 Pavano 或 Igawa 可以往 bullpen 丟,而且也難保所有現在預定的 rotation 先發都不受傷。投手是消耗品,即使耐用如 Moose 和 Mo,前者近幾年手肘也有問題,而後者雖然仍然維持全盛時期九成以上的水準,這幾年總是會上 DL 一段短時間。Yankees 當年認定 Andy Pettitte 的手肘可能無法維持下去,所以在跟他談合約時不是很積極。在 Astros 這三年他的確出了不少健康問題,當年 Yankees 不算完全看走眼。不過 Yankees 沒有想到在不受傷的時候 Pettitte 可以有比他們想像中更好的表現,同時他們也沒想到會有這麼一天他們必須把他找回來。
王建民上一場表現不佳,三局被打五隻安打丟兩分,同時投出的第三個球就被 Grady Sizemore 打出全壘打牆。這其實也不是問題,他反正不是在競爭工作了,只要自己按部就班調整即可,現在即使被打成豬頭都不會留在正式記錄裡面。比較有趣的是最近台灣媒體在談他簽約的新聞報導,讓我回頭去翻 CBA 好幾次。拿手邊舊版的 CBA 來看,於 Schedule A Major League Uniform Player's Contract 裡面的第十條:
10.(a) Unless the Player has exercised his right to become a free agent as set forth in the Basic Agreement, the Club may retain reservation rights over the Player by instructing the Office of the Commissioner to tender to the Player a contract for the term of the next year by including the Player on the Central Tender Letter that the Office of the Commissioner submits to the Players Association on or before December 20 (or if a Sunday, then on or before December 18) in the year of the last playing season covered by this contract. (See Article XX(A) of and Attachment 12 to the Basic Agreement.) If prior to the March 1 next succeeding said December 20, the Player and the Club have not agreed upon the terms of such contract, then on or before ten (10) days after said March 1, the Club shall have the right by written notice to the Player at his address following his signature hereto, or if none be given, then at his last address of record with the Club, to renew this contract for the period of one year on the same terms, except that the amount payable to the Player shall be such as the Club shall fix in said notice; provided, however, that said amount, if fixed by a Major League Club, shall be in an amount payable at a rate not less than as specified in Article VI, Section D, of the Basic Agreement. Subject to the Player’s rights as set forth in the Basic Agreement, the Club may renew this contract from year to year.
王建民沒有任何談判籌碼我們都知道,如果他不簽也會自動續約我們也知道。不過他不簽約應該還是受最低薪資保障,球團不能只給他去年的薪水,那個數字已經低於新 CBA 的最低薪資了。我不知道台灣這方面的報導出處在哪裡,不過我猜應該是不對的。另外拿當年的 Andy Pettitte 跟他比也不恰當,Pettitte 雖然也是 Cy Young 第二名,但是他們跟第一名的差距並不相同。Pettitte 拿了 11 張第一名票,只輸第一名 Pat Hantgen 6 點 (110:104),而 Santana 是全部第一名票。更別提 1996 年 Yankees 是在 1978 年之後第一次拿冠軍,Pettitte 在 ALCS 和 WS 各先發兩場,有兩勝一負的成績。
另外有一則討論我到現在還找不到出處。有人說 Soriano 曾經拒簽合約過。Sori 從日職退休脫逃出來時是像許多日本球員一樣簽下複數年合約 (1998-2002),所以他只有 2003 年一年遇到王建民今年的情況,接下來是 arbitration year。我這兩天試圖找到 2003 年他簽約的新聞,不過只有在 2/26/2003 New York Times 的 Tyler Kepner 這篇 "Soriano Is Already in Midseason Form" 裡面提到:
Soriano's agent, Don Nomura, was in town and spoke with General Manager Brian Cashman about Soriano's 2003 contract. They did not discuss a multiyear deal and will conclude their talks before Thursday's exhibition opener.
With just over two years of service time, Soriano has no leverage.
"What the Yankees say, I have to do," said Soriano, who made $630,000 last season.
從這裡看不出他有要跟 Yankees 鬧脾氣的想法,之後就沒有看到相關報導了。如果有人知道 Sori 拒簽合約那說法是從哪裡來的,麻煩留個言。
Consider Alfonso Soriano of the Yankees, who last year turned in one of the best seasons ever recorded by a second baseman: 39 homers, 41 stolen bases, and a .300 average. The team rewarded Soriano at season's end with a 2003 contract worth $800,000. Though the Yankees billed the contract as the largest one-year offer ever made to a second-year player, Soriano could be forgiven for not feeling pampered. The deal totaled slightly less than the amount his all-star colleague at shortstop, Alex Rodriguez, makes in a week's worth of work—and wasn't within shouting distance of the average major league salary of $2.3 million. Barred from signing with another team, Soriano had no choice but to accept the deal.
Consider Alfonso Soriano of the Yankees, who last year turned in one of the best seasons ever recorded by a second baseman: 39 homers, 41 stolen bases, and a .300 average. The team rewarded Soriano at season's end with a 2003 contract worth $800,000. Though the Yankees billed the contract as the largest one-year offer ever made to a second-year player, Soriano could be forgiven for not feeling pampered. The deal totaled slightly less than the amount his all-star colleague at shortstop, Alex Rodriguez, makes in a week's worth of work—and wasn't within shouting distance of the average major league salary of $2.3 million. Barred from signing with another team, Soriano had no choice but to accept the deal.
既然是renewed contract, Sori應該是
March 4, 2003
Soriano's Contract Renewed
$800,000 makes team reach $150 million payroll
既然是renewed contract, Sori應該是
March 4, 2003
Soriano's Contract Renewed
$800,000 makes team reach $150 million payroll
又如David Wright 在2006年也是Mets以0.374M renewed contract, 既非他2005的0.3225M 也非06的mlb的薪資下限,所以自動續約下的薪資應該是比較接近球團原提出的新薪資吧。
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又如David Wright 在2006年也是Mets以0.374M renewed contract, 既非他2005的0.3225M 也非06的mlb的薪資下限,所以自動續約下的薪資應該是比較接近球團原提出的新薪資吧。
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