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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Nomar? No Way! 

Nomar Garciaparra in pinstripes?

Red Sox 的球迷可能無法接受這樣的影像,事實上,我也不行,只是原因不同。

Nomar 在最糟糕的時間被 Red Sox 給交易出去。去年他在各方指責他不是 team player 的情況下黯然離開,走人之後眼睜睜的看著 Red Sox 拿到了八十幾年來的第一次 WS。就連那枚冠軍戒指他到底拿還是不拿都可以在報紙上吵個幾天,大家甚至不太清楚他自己到底是怎麼想的。如果他竟然穿上了 Yankees 的制服,對於當年為了三大游擊手誰比較好而鬥嘴的 Red Sox 球迷來說,那大概不是件讓人心情愉快的事情。

Yankees 需要補強,但是 Nomar Garciaparra 不能提供他們要的東西。我們知道 Yankees 最不缺的就是游擊手,所以 Nomar 的傳統守備位置完全無用。就算 Jeter 願意去中外野(我不認為這有可能,不過潘朵拉的盒子已經打開,如果 Yankees 用 Bubba Crosby 先發中外野開始球季的話,這個話題會被一提再提),depth chart 下一順位也是 A-Rod,他是比 Jeter 更好的游擊手。Nomar 的經紀人 Arn Tellem 說 Nomar 願意換位置,除了投手和捕手之外哪裡都能去。但是他能換到哪裡?

中外野?不太可能。Yankees 的中外野特別遼闊,Nomar 也沒有速度特快的名聲,我們也沒聽過他追高飛球追的特別好的說法。Jeter 會被考慮的原因之一是他很會追高飛球,雖然 blooper 跟 warning track 邊的飛球很不一樣,起碼他給人一些想像空間。尤其是他常有 Willie Mays 式的向後跑接殺飛球的表演,當你的守備動作讓人連想起 HOF CF 時,即使守備位置是游擊手也會引人遐想。

Nomar 並不具備這種條件。再加上 Nomar 的舊傷很多,放他在中外野風險也太大。

比較合理的位置轉換應該是 1B/DH 和 LF。Yankees 有一個 Jason Giambi 以及平均年齡不小的打線,他們最不需要的就是 1B/DH 了。LF 如果讓給 Nomar,那就等於說 Hideki Matsui 要先發 CF。我倒不排斥 Nomar 守 LF,但是 Matsui 守 CF 就太歡樂了。我必須承認不考慮受傷的問題這有一點吸引力,Matsui 在打擊上能夠比 Crosby 多打下來的分數應該會比防守多丟出去的多不少。

Yankees 需要簽下球員來打敗 Red Sox,不是簽下球員來讓 Red Sox 的球迷不舒服(如果因為可以打敗 Red Sox 而讓他們球迷不舒服的話,這種球員可以簽)。Nomar 應該還有他的價值在,他最好的去處應該還是西岸欠打擊的球隊,讓他離家不至於太遠,同時有機會做出重要貢獻。Yankees 不管怎麼努力年輕化,大部分的打者還是老了一歲。這種球隊受傷風險高,不適合簽 Nomar 這種高風險但是有不錯機率有高報酬的球員。

對於現在這些 Nomar 的消息,我比較傾向於這是在 Winter Meetings 剛開始記者不知道寫什麼好搞出來的新聞。

Juan Pierre
說真的 市場上也沒也個CF了
Damon??? 七年約...我想留給紅襪自己簽吧
真的很難想像 是否又多了一個自動出局數??
尤其是他常有 Willie Mays 式的向後接殺飛球的表演,當的守備動作讓人連想起 HOF CF 時,即使守備位置是游擊手也會引人遐想。

In fact, not too many people make this kind of connection other than yankees fans.

It's Jim Edmonds' defense reminds fans about Willie Mays countrywide.
樓上的 應該不止Yankees fan啦
ESPN那些評論的也是有拿這點出來講吧 當然不是說Jeter改CF一定行 但是跟AROD比起來 Jeter追高飛球的本事讓人家覺得要抓一個改CF的話 抓Jeter的話多了那麼點立論基礎...

I checked 4 ESPN articles and other websites, but none of them compared Jeter's defense to W.Mays'. Do you mind post a link or two which is not from a yankees writer?
Wasn't Nomar a 3B in Cubs?
I think you misunderstood the passage, it says Willie Mays 式... It isn't a connection that the author has made...He wasn't even comparing them...lol
I think you actually misunderstood the article. Read again and you'll notice the next sentence:

"守備動作讓人連想起 HOF CF 時"
Just a single action, not ability. Don't stretch it too far.

Jeter makes that Willie Mays's basket catch pretty often as a SS and he did it pretty well. In fact, his moves are usually magnificent, albeit sometimes inefficient. This is one of the reasons why people thought he got good defense when he was ranked dead last in that department.
Nomar played two positions, SS and 3B, for the Cubbies.

He's not going to replace either Jeter or A-Rod, and I don't see any of the above two moving over to CF. Therefore, there's not a good chance for Nomar to be a Yankee.
As much as I hate Red Sox, I would be excited just to see Nomar in pinstripes on the bench. If Nomar were to come to Bronx, we can trade Cano, who is a good trading bait and/or hopefully Womack for a CF.

At least signing Nomar as an utility man is a great bnous, plus he wouldn't be as fragile as an everyday player.
I saw those ESPN guys talked about the news on espnews channel here in the US.
To Deric仔


Deric仔 的文章根本就是把CCLu大的文章給複製貼上嘛! 太過分了吧! 怎麼可以這樣呢?CCLu大不是說過不能轉載他的文章嗎?
要三個3B幹麻 而且交易掉小拉米和Rent
紅襪沒有SS了 要找誰 Nomar嗎
to kevinliu:

I happen to live in US as well, but never saw ESPN comparing Jeter's defense to Mays'. I actually TiVo'd ESPNEWS channel at #402 since winter meeting, in case I missed any trade news, when did you see it?

BTW, ESPNEWS doesn't have much analysis like ESPN and ESPN 2, and mostly just broadcast news repeatly, are you sure it's on ESPNEWS?

Besides, I post this question on several yankees forums, but none of the yankees fans saw this. This makes sense, since a big network like ESPN won't waste time to compare a SS's defense to a CF.
To deric:

Stop copying others' articles to your blog!!!
Is Miguel Tejeda a possible candidate for Redsox next shortstop?


Not so quick though.
1. 留言請取個名字,即使取個路人甲、乙、丙、丁也沒關係,你的匿名權利不會因此消失。這是為了識別方便,要不然一堆 anonymous 根本不知道哪個是哪個。

2. 對某位一直在質疑 Jeter 跟 Mays 對比的網友,請再看看原文和我上面的解釋。那是動作的相似而不是守備能力。如果我上面英文的回覆不夠清楚的話,我在這裡用中文再說一遍。你找不到比較出色的棒球分析談這一點的原因是沒有人在分析這種東西的。某甲動作跟 Ozzie Smith 相似與他是個好游擊手不完全相關,由於電視轉播的關係,我們看到的守備動作往往只是最後完成的那一部份,之前站定位置及 first jump 是在電視上看不出來的。即使現場也未必能夠,因為球打出去到一般坐在看台上的球迷判斷出方向這段時間差往往使得大家也漏掉了電視裡沒有播出來的部份。這要有經驗的人坐在比較好的位置來觀察才行。最常把 Jeter 的動作跟 Willie Mays 的 "The Catch" 連結的是 Michael Kay 和 Jon Miller,當然不是說這兩個人說的話有什麼可信度,事實上這兩個人,尤其是後者,還是我常消遣的對象。Jeter 從 rookie year 就有這種『美技』的表演,也常常讓人誤以為他的守備不錯。追高飛球的確是他的強項,不過那對於游擊手來講不是什麼太重要的事情,所以並無法影響他的防守在 2004 年以前非常糟的事實。他的另一強項是轉傳,很遺憾的也不是游擊手最重要的功能。
To CCLu,

My last post wasn't questioning you, I was taking to 'kevinliu' about seeing ESPN comparing Jeter's defense to Mays'.

I remember I did put a 'to kevinliu' at the beginning of my last post.
a type, should be 'talking'.

Again, I understand what you mean in your article after your first reply, but don't believe what kevinliu' said that ESPN compared Jeter's defense to Mays' on its program.
to 匿名者
I did not said espnnews "compared Jeter's defense to May's". Did I said that? Let me clarify what I heard a a bit so you can understand.

Just a espn anchor ask a commentator who is beter candidate to move to center. he commentted as such; in the meantime some nice plays that Jeter caught fly balls were broadcasted.those included the play that he flyed into stands. If you still dont believe what I heard. that's fine with me. Believe what you believe.
To Kevinliu,

This is my first post:
In fact, not too many people make this kind of connection other than yankees fans.

It's Jim Edmonds' defense reminds fans about Willie Mays countrywide.

And this is your reply:

Based on your last post, ESPN actually never made connection between Jeter's defense to Mays'.

I believe ESPN won't make this connection and don't think your "拿這點出來講" is true. Your reply does prove this.
不知道你中文不好還是我 可能是我吧...讓你聯想錯誤 sorry

我是說:epsn那些人有人提到jeter向後接飛球的姿會讓人聯想到May 移到中外野是兩個可能人選比較好的選擇...可沒人說他移到中外野可以跟May的防守媲美...

我所謂"拿這點出來講"是指這個 不知道這樣你可以了解了嗎 我不覺得那評論的這樣講有什麼大不了的 反正就是Jeter AROD2選1 他總是要拿些理由來講吧; 也許不嚴謹 也許你嗤之以鼻 但是這是我聽到的...

題外話 espnews也不止報報新聞 有時一些重大事件會請一些評論家來評 當然這些評論有時會出現在espn or espn2 但有時不會或經過修剪

希望就到此為止了 在這裡爭有沒人說過這些話實在很無聊; 對了 CCLu兄說了 您就請不要在匿名發言了
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