Monday, October 17, 2005
Half of the Party is Set
White Sox 打敗了 Angels 晉級雖然不能說令人驚訝,可是過程還是有點出乎我的意外。連續四場 complete games?這一方面當然顯示出 White Sox 的先發投手陣容堅強(以及 Angels 打者在同一時期的不振),但是在這時候 Ozzie Guillen 這樣調度更讓我覺得奇怪。在現在這年頭完投已經不常見,除了投手分工以外,更重要的原因是先發投手無法承擔這樣的負荷。Angels 打者幫了不少忙,他們拒絕被保送的打擊策略使得 White Sox 的投手能夠撐到後面局數。下面是 White Sox 投手投球數:
Game 1 Contreras 102-68, Cotts 7-4
Game 2 Buehrle 99-71
Game 3 Garland 118-83
Game 4 Garcia 116-74
Game 5 Contreras 114-76
Angels 沒有一場耗掉對方投手 120 球以上,這是今年 ALCS 打得節奏快的原因之一。去年的 ALCS 是少見的 NYY-BOS series 有非常大的重要性但是打到讓我希望他們一起輸掉,一個 ALCS 碰到兩隻耐心特強的球隊,下場就是大家天天熬夜看球。回到台灣來以後倒是希望看到那種球,這樣子就算中午才開始看也還沒有打完。:p
閒話說遠了,回到 ALCS 來。Guillen 讓我意外的是他寧願讓先發投手投 110 球以上也不讓自己的 bullpen 有個上來的機會。除了 Cotts 之外,White Sox 的 bullpen 居然在整個 ALCS 裡面沒有出場。這已經超過了調節 bullpen 體力的用意了,Guillen 這樣做有相反的風險,他的 bullpen 可能會因為太久沒有出賽而失去比賽感覺,在 WS 裡面有 rusty 的危險。就以他的幾個先發而言,現在這時候可以負擔這樣的重擔固然顯示他們先發投手陣容的堅強。不過人體能力有其極限,這幾個人也不是超人,WS 或者明年會有什麼樣的影響是令人擔心的。
White Sox 並不是真正的 small ball 球隊,他們打擊率、上壘率都不高,得分來自全壘打比例也不低。之前引過 Joe Sheehan 在他的專欄裡的一段話,雖然稍微誇張一點,倒也蠻傳神的。Ozzie Guillen 大概會拿到 manager of the year,也沒有什麼理由不讓他拿到,不過我對於他在打擊部份的『管理』並不是很喜歡。他們今年固然有 137 SB,僅次於 Angels 和 Devil Rays,但是他們的 CS 高達 66 次居 AL 最多,使得他們的 SB% 只有 67%,AL 第十。White Sox 很可能因為 Guillen 的 manage 少拿到了分數,不過由於他們實際得分跟幾個 sabermetrics 指標幾乎相同,我們很難證明 White Sox 的好運氣和 Guillen 的 bad management 互相抵消。
Angels 才是 ALCS 裡面真正的 small ball 球隊,他們有 AL 最多的盜壘數,排名第五的盜壘率 (74%,可以被接受的比例),不錯的打擊率以及不願意被保送,一定要把球打入球場的特性。他們輸掉球並不完全是因為投手,打擊才是最致命的原因。我無意用這樣一個短期賽事來說 small ball 不是好戰術(我的確認為那不是,不過不是這裡的重點),現在大家應該可以看到 small ball 球隊並不能免於低潮,也不能夠保證得到足夠的分數以克敵致勝。不管投手有多強,五場球得分分別是 3、1、2、2、3 要贏得一個七戰四勝的賽事並不是容易事情。好投手可以壓制有強大打擊火力的打線(如 Yankees、Red Sox),他們也可以壓制 small ball 打線。看了 ALCS 第一場後,我本來以為 Angels 雖然無法完全克服先發投手的劣勢,但是可以靠 Ozzie Guillen 拿下幾勝,沒想到他們居然輸的這麼乾脆。
NLCS 這邊讓我相當失望,今年最好的球隊似乎運勢越走越背。去年 Red Sox 的教訓告訴我們還不要太快把 St. Louis 從紙上劃掉,先看看他們能否把 NLCS 帶回 St. Louis 再說。
如果是 White Sox vs. Astros,我們將會有聽不完的 Black Sox 故事充滿電視及報章雜誌,同時不管最後誰贏都會是很久沒有迎接 WS 冠軍的城市得到這份殊榮。Astros 沒有打過 WS,White Sox 則是幾乎同樣久的時間沒有打過 WS,而且已經 88 年沒有贏過 WS 了。不管誰贏誰輸,我想這個 WS 應該每場比賽都會很快打完,而且得分不會太多。
也許Yanks可以考慮把白襪這位投手教練找來接替Mel Stootlemyre。XD
甚至連被噓聲轟出紐約的Contreras也變得獨當一面 XD
搞不好這傢伙真能弄出一個全員20勝的rotation XD
甚至連被噓聲轟出紐約的Contreras也變得獨當一面 XD
搞不好這傢伙真能弄出一個全員20勝的rotation XD
坦白說,忽聞Torre留下來..挺開心的..( 但其實今年對他的用兵,覺得很!@#%#$^)
坦白說,忽聞Torre留下來..挺開心的..( 但其實今年對他的用兵,覺得很!@#%#$^)
It's hard to say Cashman can or should learn some lesson from 2005 Yankees.
You don't know it's Cashman's Pavano or Tempa's Pavano, same thing goes to Womack, Wright, and so on.
You don't know it's Cashman's Pavano or Tempa's Pavano, same thing goes to Womack, Wright, and so on.
Ray Miller is also a very good pitching coach, and he also did a great job.
Mazzone is a pitching coach, not a magician. No matter how good he is, he can only do so much with the talents he has. I don't expect big difference in the O's unless their front office does good job during the winter.
I like Jays GM and praise his work, but it's still hard to "buy" good players this winter since the pool isn't too exciting.
After all, the Devil Rays is screwed. You've got to give Sweet Lou some credit just by his escape from that organization.
Mazzone is a pitching coach, not a magician. No matter how good he is, he can only do so much with the talents he has. I don't expect big difference in the O's unless their front office does good job during the winter.
I like Jays GM and praise his work, but it's still hard to "buy" good players this winter since the pool isn't too exciting.
After all, the Devil Rays is screwed. You've got to give Sweet Lou some credit just by his escape from that organization.
I agree on what you said about D-Ray... but on the other hand. what should they do? please tell me your opinion??
In a team like D-Rays, the only thing you can do is do your time and find somewhere you can get a contract. If the owner didn't even give a sh*t, why do you care?
As for BJ Ryan, he said he wants to be in a team in the playoff, no matter he's a closer or setup man. A team with a closer lock could be the Yankees, so that's probably where the rumors are from. I assume he just wants a big fat contract.
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As for BJ Ryan, he said he wants to be in a team in the playoff, no matter he's a closer or setup man. A team with a closer lock could be the Yankees, so that's probably where the rumors are from. I assume he just wants a big fat contract.