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Friday, May 21, 2004

RIP Doug Pappas 

剛剛收到 e-mail,baseball business 的專家 Doug Pappas 過世了。Pappas 是 Baseball Prospectus 的專欄作家,他最近的專欄處理各球場的平均支出,已經做到了 NL Central,就剩下 NL West 還沒有出來,本來應該是下星期要登出來的。他同時也是 SABR 的 Baseball Business Committee 的 chair。他自己也是個 blogger,寫他最拿手的 baseball business

這是我收到的 e-mail:
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 14:34:18 -0500
From: jzajc@SABR.org
To: regionals@SABR.org
Subject: Sad News

I just spoke with Carolyn Pappas, Doug Pappas' mother, and was told of the terrible news that Doug passed away while vacationing in Big Bend National Park in Texas. It appears that the cause was heat prostration. Doug is survived only by his mother.

She asks that I get the word out to all his SABR friends, who are many, since Doug did so much for the organization.

As arrangements are made, I will make them known to the SABR community.

Our sympathies go to Carolyn.

John Zajc, Executive Director

Society for American Baseball Research
812 Huron Rd E #719
Cleveland OH 44115

Baseball Prospectus 也同時放出這個不幸的消息

由於 baseball business 也是我的興趣之一,過去曾經跟 Pappas 通過幾次 e-mail,問了他一些問題,每一次都得到他相當迅速的回覆。收到這個消息,著實讓我震驚。

Rest in peace, Doug. You can ask those old timers and bosses questions in heaven.

這幾天我不打算更新網頁,希望暫時將這一篇文章放在網頁的頂端,作為對 Doug 的紀念。關於 Yankees 和 Rangers 這個 series,如果有值得談的事情,等到下個星期二再說吧。

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