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Friday, February 13, 2004

Steven Goldman has a new column on BP 

The Pinstriped Bible 專欄作家 Steven Goldman 今天開始在 Baseball Prospectus 開始一個新的專欄 You could look it up。Goldman 是我現在最喜歡的專欄作家之一,他的寫作把 sabermetrics 和歷史結合在一起,相當吸引人。

剛好在他的 BP 第一篇專欄裡,他也提到了 sabermetircs 和歷史的關係,他說:

Baseball Prospectus is the perfect point from which to look backwards. Sabermetrics indict baseball's conventional wisdom. When sabermetrics forced baseball to yield to the inexorable logic of statistics, the body of reason was given a skeleton, but still lacked flesh. History puts muscle and dermis on those bones and provides the evidence that proves theory to be true or false.

下個星期他每天都會有一篇文章,再之後就是美東時間每週星期五。同時美東時間每週二晚上他在 Yesnetwork.com 的 The Pinstriped Bible 專欄也會出來。我不知道他以後在 BP 的專欄會不會是 premium 的,最起碼現在是免費。他在 Yesnetwork.com 的專欄是免費閱覽的。

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